Friday, March 6, 2015

Group Day and Title Sequences

Today, my group met up with two other groups to collaborate and bounce ideas off of each other, and to offer up advice and/or criticism of each others ideas so far. From what I learned today, many of my classmates are far braver than I, and many are doing projects by themselves. Both of them are doing something different that we are, one doing a documentary on the college application process from a perspective of a teenager, and the other  is doing a magazine spread on heath and nutrition, with an emphasis on bodybuilding.

Today, my research consisted of looking at titles and seeing which font we want to use and what we want to call our short film in the first place. I looked at this website called, and I was inspired by many different fonts and styles. I think our film would be a very quirky, indie feel to it, so we would not choose a big blocky font for our title. We would choose perhaps a more unique, flowing font, and as for our actual title, I want something that correctly and accurately conveys the tone of our film. Something that is different from the influx of indie short films, something that would make the audience interested and spark their curiosity.

These are the top 10 title sequences of 2014; I enjoyed watching them and I hope we can draw some inspiration and qualities from these into our own short film.

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